Sunday, September 28, 2014

Serengeti Cat

For people that are looking for a medium sized, short coated cat breed, this is the cat for them. The Serengeti Cat is a popular cat breed originally from United States.Serengeti Cat owners have really enjoyed their time with this feline companion and noted that they are friendly, socialblack, silver, and tabby.Their personality and demeanor is what makes most owners incredibly happy to have them in their homes for their entire lifespan of 12 years!It is important for a cat owner to understand their cat. Please continue reading to learn more about the Serengeti Cat breed!

Serengeti Cat

#HighEnergyCatBreeds, #MediumSizeCatBreeds, #MostAdjustableCatBreeds, #MostChildFriendlyCatBreeds, #MostDogFriendlyCatBreeds, #MostFriendlyCatBreeds, #MostFriskyCatBreeds, #MostHealthyCatBreeds, #MostIntelligentCatBreeds, #MostInteractiveCatBreeds, #MostLovingCatBreeds, #ShortHairCatBreeds

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